Student Support Services

Dear Parents and Guardians,

The Student Support Department has had a very busy start to the new school year!

Foundation Transition

We have begun 2020 on a very positive note, with our foundation students settling very nicely into their new classrooms and routines. The students have quickly become familiar with the school, their teachers, and have already formed strong friendships with their peers. Our year six students have supported their foundation buddies throughout this journey and have displayed great leadership skills.

Learning Support

The Learning Support Program in literacy and numeracy is well underway for the year, with our Learning Support Teachers providing additional assistance to students, both inside and outside the classroom. Assistance may include clarifying tasks, reinforcing content or instructions, prompting students to clarify queries and ask questions, and always ensuring students are on the right track. If your child is currently, or was previously involved in the program, or you would like further information about the student support program, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Student Well-Being

Our school counsellor, Ms Eda Baskocak, works on campus every Thursday and Friday. Ms Baskocak has been very busy throughout term one planning and organising student welfare incursions and sessions for our Better Buddies program and Anti-Bullying week. Ms Baskocak provides individual therapy to students and delivers creative lessons inside the classroom in collaboration with class teachers, which enhance and develop children’s confidence and independence.

We would like to take this opportunity to welcome our new school counsellor, Ms Merve Erol to IDC. We look forward to having her on our Student Support Team. Ms Erol will be on campus every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Look out for the exciting programs and workshops running throughout the year!

Speech Therapy

We continue to acquire the services of Dee Wardrop Speech Pathology. Ms Kimberly has been visiting our campus for three terms now and will continue to deliver individual and group therapy to those students and families who require speech and language support.

Integration Aides

We have six wonderful integration aides across primary and secondary classes who support students in their learning and development both inside and outside the classroom.

Parent Teacher Interviews

Parent Teacher Interviews for students with individual learning plans (ILP) were held on Tuesday 10th and Wednesday 11th March. This time was dedicated to families of students who currently receive additional support via an ILP to discuss goals and strategies for the term. Those parents or guardians who received a notification to book an appointment but were not able to attend, please speak to your child’s teacher to arrange a meeting. These conversations are extremely important for your child’s learning and development.

The Student Support Team is here to provide assistance to all students of Sirius College and we welcome all enquiries. If you would like information about the support we offer, please call us or make an appointment for a face-to-face chat.

As always, I offer my support to students and parents and encourage you to contact me with any questions, concerns or feedback.

Warmest Regards,

Aleksandra Peric
Student Support Coordinator